Brief: This motion design project combines animation, illustration, and graphic design to showcase mythical creatures called cryptids. The visual direction was to make the project feel like a cereal commercial that would play in between Saturday morning cartoons.
Target Audience: Children who love monsters and urban legends.
Goal: To show expertise in art direction, motion design, 2D animation, illustration, rigging characters, sound design, and scene transitions.

Having clean and fun transitions was a significant goal when storyboarding this animation. The goal was to make it feel like a person was being guided through the forest, encountering each of the cryptids. That's why there was an emphasis on establishing the bushes as a visual signal and using them as a curtain from scene to scene.

Animation & Character Rigging

When rigging the character, it was essential to have Mothman's eyes and mouth to convey a sense of joy when each of the marshmallows popped up in front of him. It was super important to have the easing/timing of the marshmallows feel like they were popping and working in tandem to build a sense of anticipation towards his change in expression.

Outsourced: Voice acting (b1tofanactor)